a home for children

About Us

Founded in 1971, Boys and Girls Country has been serving children for over 50 years! As a licensed residential home, we use a trauma-informed care approach when addressing the needs of the children on our campus. We do this by providing a secure, stable, Christian home environment with an emphasis on education, building healthy relationships and setting goals for the future.

A place to call home

Mission Statement

To change the lives of children from families in crisis by loving and nurturing them in a Christian home environment, raising them to become self-sustaining and contributing adults

Vision Statement

That every child has a place to grow up and a sense of being home

Growing children
for life

How We Do It

Boys & Girls Country relies solely on private donors and does not accept any state for federal funding

Campus Life

Our campus spans over 200 acres and accommodates multiple cottage families. Each cottage can house up to eight children and two full-time houseparents. The cottages operate as individual family units, engaging in activities together such as church, vacations and family meals.

College & Career

Becoming an adult does not happen overnight. Our College & Career program, created in 1997, supports high school graduates who are in need of continued support and guidance. We provide our young adults the opportunity to obtain a college degree, a technical certificate, enter the military or begin their career. Our young adults always have a place to call home and a family to lean on as they follow their own individual paths to adulthood.

Changing Lives

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