Jayla’s Journey to First Responder

At the age of 17, Jayla found herself sleeping on a friend’s couch with no place to call home. After multiple experiences with foster care, she was given a stark choice: live on the streets or arrange her own housing. That’s when she found BGC.

Jayla With EMT Class

When she first arrived, she was anxious that BGC would be like the group homes she had experienced while in foster care. Instead, she was met with immediate comfort and support. Her houseparents helped her settle into campus life and encouraged her to explore new passions and extracurricular activities.

While in her senior year of high school, Jayla pursued her EMT certification. She was drawn to emergency medical services due to her experiences as a child. During her upbringing, Jayla faced medical problems stemming from the stress and trauma of her childhood, resulting in numerous ambulance rides and hospitalizations. She noted, “Each time I was in an ambulance, I realized the impact these first responders were having on my life. I wanted to provide that same care to others.”

Jayla During Firefighter Training

Jayla completed over 300 hours of education and hands-on training before earning her EMT certification during her senior year. After graduating high school with straight A’s, she continued her commitment to service by enrolling in a firefighting training program. “Firefighting felt like a natural choice because it’s a continuation of my EMT training. I’m still able to utilize my medical skills but in a faster-paced environment. I enjoy staying active,” she said.

Fire academy training provided a new mental and physical challenge that Jayla eagerly embraced. “When I was training, I felt locked in. Like everything made sense,” she recalled. Last month, Jayla obtained her firefighting certification following the completion of nearly 700 hours of instruction and operating experience.

When asked what motivates her, Jayla responded, “I want to create a life for myself and my future family that I can be proud of, one where I can provide for myself and have a sense of accomplishment each day.” Jayla also credits her sense of determination to her support system at BGC. “The College and Career Program helped keep me focused and on track. When obstacles eventually happened, the staff worked with me to create an alternative plan to keep me motivated. They never let me feel shame or disappointment when I struggled. No matter what I faced, they were there to support me,” she recalled.

Jayla And BGC Family - Receiving Firefighter Certification

As for her future, Jayla is already planning her next step. She is preparing for her next certification, which is required to pursue her dream of becoming a flight medic. While looking back on her journey to this moment, Jayla expressed her gratitude for her BGC family. “Before coming to BGC, I didn’t know it was even possible to have this many people care about you. In the past, I had to figure out life on my own, and I can tell you that trying to figure out this world without support is one heck of a ride. Knowing I have so many people to lean on as I enter this next chapter of my life means everything to me.”

Jayla With College And Career Caseworker