Place a child

Boys and Girls Country helps families (mothers, fathers, grandparents, guardians) who need help. Families are often in conflict; they face issues ranging from alcohol or drug abuse, violence, serious illness, abuse, incarceration, abandonment or the death of a family member. They need help, but their children are not in the custody of the state, and they do not have money for places that require expensive fees or tuition.

We are committed to long-term success for our children. Therefore, we do request long-term placement for children and teens. Historically, some children return to a family member after two or three years, but many make the choice to remain, graduate from high school, and enter the College and Career program.

Whatever the reason children come, we are committed to fulfilling our ministry of providing a safe place to call home. No child is turned away because of race, sex, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or because their family does not have money to pay for care.

If you have a child — or know a child — who is in need of placement, fill out the application below:

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional information, please contact us at:

How much does the program cost?

No child is ever turned away because of their family’s economic status.

How long do children stay there?

We request a long-term placement for children and teens, but there is no requirement. We are a place where children can grow up. Our average length of stay is two years, but many children live with us through high school graduation and higher education.

Where do children live?

Children live in cottages with other students on our main campus in Hockley, Texas, which is 35 miles northwest of downtown Houston. They are raised by trained houseparents in a family atmosphere. We strive for each child to have their own room and private bathroom. 

Where do children go to school?

Children attend local public schools, either Waller ISD or a nearby charter school. We provide after-school tutoring and enrichment, along with on and off campus activities for recreation and personal development. This includes student council, sports, band, choir, music, arts, summer camps and other extracurriculars.

Will I see my child?

A visitation plan will be arranged for you and your child at placement.

Can siblings live together?

We enjoy the special relationship siblings have with each other. We have separate cottages for boys and girls, and for different age groups, so siblings may not always be able to live together in the same cottage. We will place each child in the best cottage for his or her individual growth. Siblings will be able to spend time together frequently through campus activities and various events. 

What do kids do for fun?

You do not have to worry about your child being active at Boys and Girls Country. If you don’t already know what their skills and interests are, we will provide plenty of opportunities to find out! We have basketball, volleyball, dances, parties (including a special birthday party just for them), music lessons, and so much more. There is even a pool with a slide where students can go swimming with supervision.

We also receive tickets for sporting events and take field trips as well as other fun outings.

In the summer, if they are 15 years old, they can work as an apprentice on campus and earn money. We can go to summer camp, mission trips, or take a trip with your cottage. Some of our cottage vacations have been to Disneyworld, the Grand Canyon, the beach, snow skiing in Colorado and camping at state parks.

Our kids also participate in after school and community activities. Children will have the opportunity to get involved in band, athletics, fine arts or whatever their interests are. They also go to youth group at their local cottage church.